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Empowering futures through accessible education! We provide financial aid and more to orphaned girls and boys in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR) and the Dominican Republic (DR) to make their academic dreams a reality.

About Us

Deacon Jim Pittman has been leading a campaign to help children, especially orphaned girls and boys since 2008. His first non-profit, Salisa Bana established a school in Kinshasa, DRC and is currently being operated by the Crosier Fathers and Brothers and days for girls who are located in Congo. The school, Salisa Bana, sits on 35 acres and the staff teaches K-8. In 2020 during the Coronavirus pandemic, as everyone was confined to theirs homes, Deacon Jim started another non-profit, Rev Jims Education Fund. He works tirelessly to raise funds to to send orphaned girls to the University of Kinshasa and the University of Butumbo, to continue their education in a country that could care less about orphans, especially girls. The DRC is the poorest country in the world and these orphaned girls and boys are unwanted and have nothing, and have no chance at a normal life without an education.

Our Services

We are a non-profit that provides comprehensive services in the Educational Funding industry, tailored to meet the unique needs for our girls/boys who have no income and are orphaned.

Salisa Bana School

Salisa Bana School provides the opportunity for children who living in villages, outside the city to attend school, K-8.

Basic Well Care Scholarships

Scholarship money is provided to also help with basic needs of life. Such as school supplies, a clean place to live, clean water, a bed to sleep in and food.

Medical Support

As you may know, disease is common with no medicine unless you have money. Your donations help with emergency medical or needed medicine may arise.

Reach Out Now to help fund the Educational and basic needs of these orphan girls

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions on how your donations can help. We have many needs that can only become a reality with your donations.


Real Stories of Impact: Our Testimonials

Dorcas, was hospitalized with a high fever. After test it was malaria and typhoid. Because of donations the doctors were able to give the infusion and other medicines for her to live another day.

Basic dental care is a need for many of the girls. We were able to provide dental to care to because of our wonderful donors.

Sarah, the first graduate from the University of Kinshasa. Now works for the non-profit, owns her own home and business.

Current services we have be able to complete

A look into what we have accomplish with amazing donations from our sponsors. But we have so much work to still be done.

House we just bought for girls to live

House we just bought for girls to live

Some of our girls

We have helped more than 50 girls finish their education and have place to live.


Sarah our first graduate. She graduated from the University. She now works for us giving back her time and talent to help with the girls now going through our orphanage.

Our Mission

Empowering students globally by providing financial support for education, fostering academic growth, and nurturing dreams to create a brighter future for all.

Your donation matters!

The DRC is the poorest country in the world and these brothers and sisters in Christ have little to nothing. The one thing that they do have... is God. We provide them with education, fresh, clean water, food, clothes and other necessities that you and I take for granted. Sometimes you and I even take everything for granted. The children of Congo have little or nothing. We are more than just a place, we are a community and a family, a hub of innovation and discovery. Our doors are always open to those who are curious, those who are eager to learn, and those who are ready to make a difference. We believe in the power of connection, the strength of diversity, and the potential of every individual. Examples of some of the cost: Furniture: Bed Frame $100 Mattress $35 Chair $60 Couch $150 Rent: $50 a month Food: $25 a mouth Education at the University: $555 a year and includes transportation. Not a lot of money compared to here and what we have. So why wait? Join our family and donate now to help these amazing children and youth. Your journey starts here, with us.

Deacon Jim Pittman

Deacon Jim Pittman has been an ordained Roman Catholic deacon for over 17 years. He is mission driven and often visit's the girls. Deacon Jim serves the Archdiocese of Portland, the Archdiocese of Las Vegas and the Archdiocese of the Military. He started the Rev Jims Educational Fund in 2020, serving orphaned girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo, (DRC), and now has expanded his mission to the Dominican Republic (DR). Let's pray for all children who are abused or forgotten around the world, especially orphans.

Contact Us

Reach out to us today! Let us know if your are willing to help orphans with their education and survival? Together let's make their educational dreams possible.